Tuesday, April 7, 2009

8 more days to go and i am done with my internship *internshit* haha

" Bella, I couldn’t live with myself if I ever hurt you. You don’t know how it’s tortured me. The thought of you, still, white, cold… to never see you blush scarlet again, to never see that flash of intuition in your eyes when you see through my pretenses… it would be unendurable. You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever"

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.274

1 comment:

BabyAna said...

OMGGGG u read twilight tooo?!?! Hehehehehe the passion in Edward..goshhh leaves me goosebumps la babe!!! heheehehe I absolutely love edward cullen! btw..this sat nd & me doing our bdae 2gether @ timesquare hotel! dresscode for ladies pink yea ;) guys in black =) Msg me if u comin kays! HUGSS! misss u loads!