say Happy Twenty.One to Natsaw :D :D
The long waited pictures, and the two month in advance birthday celebration at Home. It was ze bomb, to thosee who attended will definetly know how crazeh it was, with all the countless bottles of hard liquor, beers with absolutely nil water to be serve on the floor. Unless you went all the way to the kitchen for some water. *ROFL* BBQ buffet dinner was serve throughout the night, and the theme was Hawaiian night.
Wouldn't want my to be some casual dinner at home :) With the help of Aicher with all the props, the big backdrop for photo opp, lighting. The DJ of the night the second brotha. The crews- Saw's, and myself that did all the decorations and set the House rules for the night to make it a lil more interesting.

The fourth person turning in the family and now left the youngest sister Rachel to be legal. Turning is always a big thing in Chinese, we never failed to miss all Saw's big two one celebration at Home, it has become the tradition of the Saw's. :)
Anyway, I AM BLESSED with the loves from the family also known as My pillar of loves, cousins and awesome possum friends *huggies and kisses*
The night went well at the beginning but it started to drizzle and down pour, it kinda messed up the party that everyone have to squeeze to be under the canopy and sorta ruined my mood cause my chio big backdrop wasn't under the shade, and I missed taking pictures with so many people *sighs* but thank god it stopped after an hour. Thank god!!! After that, it was all about drinking!!! :D

# 1

#2 - They are tooo adorablee

#3 orangee enough? :)

#4 Thats JuHan on the left and pretty meimei on the right

# 5- My brothas

# 6 Me at the entrance, busy serving the welcome drinks to those with no proper attire and who came after 930pm!! I am eviiiiil I know, I know some of them with an empty stomach and ready to whack the food but I've already warned you guys earlierrr. With the wide range of liquors frm vodka, baileys, Chivas and beer on the roulette!! Poor them being forced to down in order for them to eat.

#7 I even add on another rules- can't leave before 12AM. *HAHA*

# 8 Late comersssss, down it babeh

#9 Ice, My super perfecto hairstylist with the floral dress. and my dearest god sister suilin with the spec :)

#10 Shir chong and her bf

#11 Asking for endless kisses from Veron *laughs*

#12 the love birds, Veron and Mike

#13 epic faces from
Helen and
Bell, late comersssss

#14 Loves from Daphne, Miki and Elysia :D

#15 Thank you so much for the roses honey.

#16 HAHAHA can't stop laughing

#17 Pretty girls in the house, true that true that true that :D

#18 Eldest sister with the gang- can't wait to see you all on January babeh!


#20 Daphne, Helen, Cindy, Miki, Moi, Emily & Kamen

#21 The Exclusive versus the Girls


#23 the F4, super love thier outfit all the way from thailand.

#24 LOVES frm the UK peoples- Ju Han, Alvin, Alvin's gf, moi, Vi lynn & Kok Hui

#25 THE FRIDAYS without Xinny, Edmund, Ryan & Choryin. Fyi : we're all around the world now, Im wondering when is our next proper gathering:(

#26 That's Ashley on the top and the Tan's sisters MEI MEI AND WIVI :)

#27 TWENTY ONE NOW, omg I felt so old T.T

#28 Missed you guys!

#29 meimei, rachel, yow hwui,
jin, moi & wivi.

#30 ALICE and moi
Overall it was FUNNN, but just that I AM NOT K.O. at the end of the night :p
not-so-cool to have a party at home was the mess that you gotto clean up!! Plus mom are too particular in the house cleanliness, every single item gotto be at the exact same place and etc etc. But with a lil help from everyone, it wasn't that bad laaa *winks*
AHHH, lastly, tons of kisses to everyone who came
and made my Birthday party a success. and thankiewwwwwww for sparing your precious time with me
*blush* *summore is like two months in advance* *blush again* . I love all the presents from you all, IPAD yes an IPAD, Fujiflim instant Mini, Make up products, angpaus, pressies all the way from Brisbane from xin and etc etc etcc. Love emmmmmm much!! :)
And so I AM NOW OFFICIALLY LEGAL!!! still couldn't believe it -.-
No more borrowing ID's to clubs or pubs already LOL :D
By the way sorry for neglecting my blog, had some issues about myself and studies. But I am now back on trackkkk, stay tuned for more exciting posts. and a new domain :)
Till then, mwahs! :)